Celebrating Earth Day 2024 Volunteers from the Austin Church of Scientology Bring Spring Flowers and Butterflies to Downtown Austin
Spring has arrived in Austin, and with it a whole series of Keep Austin Beautiful events in honor of Earth Day 2024. Volunteers from Austin’s Church of Scientology Way to Happiness Group decided to celebrate the occasion and help beautify downtown Austin by planting gardens that can be enjoyed not just by people, but also by butterflies.
Way to Happiness Volunteers arrive, ready to
The all-ages group took on some existing landscape around the Church’s parking lot, located on Nueces Street and 22nd. They cleaned the existing garden spaces, encouraging any thriving native plants to grow through the coming hot summer, and planting some additional foliage that, when tended, will attract and support pollinators, including butterflies.
Young milkweed plants are intended to attract Monarch butterflies.
“This is a milkweed plant,” said volunteer, Erin. “Monarch butterflies need milkweed for their larvae. We are hoping that these gardens will attract a flock of Monarchs and add their beauty to the space.”
In addition to milkweed plants and seedlings, the group spread a seed mix that is butterfly and pollinator friendly. Now they are busy tending the gardens, waiting to see which plants and flowers take root and flourish.
The kids enjoyed getting in the dirt and learning about planting.
“As parents, we all want to encourage our children to help care for and improve the world that we live in,” Erin said. “The kids had a great time planting the gardens, and we will all enjoy watching the flowers and butterflies arrive and thrive. We want to take care of the pollinators and the butterflies that are so beautiful but whose survival can be impacted just because certain plants are not provided. With a little bit of thought, we can have a more pleasant environment and take care of that part of our ecosystem.”
In the words of Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, “Care of the planet begins in one’s own front yard. It extends through the area one travels to get to school or work. It covers such places as where one picnics or goes on vacation. The litter which messes up the terrain and water supply, the dead brush which invites fire, these are things one need not contribute to and which, in otherwise idle moments, one can do something about. Planting a tree may seem little enough but it is something.”from The Way to Happiness, Precept 12, Safeguard and Improve Your Environment.
These gardens will surely make a more beautiful downtown Austin!